Keeping investment emotions in check
While Rudyard Kipling may not have been thinking about investments when he penned his famous poem ‘If’, his words will certainly resonate with investors at the moment. The current investment landscape undoubtedly presents a challenge, even for experienced investors, but those who can keep their head when all about are losing theirs definitely have the best chance of success.
Emotional roller coaster
It can be extremely difficult for investors to keep their emotions in check when there is so much economic and geopolitical noise being reported on a daily basis. But market volatility is normal and investors who hold a well-diversified, risk-appropriate portfolio and stay focused on their long-term objectives, goals and aspirations are historically best equipped to get through such periods.
Clear goals are essential
Setting clear goals and developing a corresponding plan to achieve them is invariably the key to investment success. Although plans may need to be adapted from time to time to take account of changes in individual circumstances or investment goals, having a well-thought-out strategy helps investors deal with unexpected events and remain calm when markets become turbulent.
The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. The past is not a guide to future performance and past performance may not necessarily be repeated.