Planning to retire in 2021?
Whether you had always been planning to retire this year, or COVID-19 has forced your hand, it’s never too late to get organised.
We believe that retirement is something to be looked forward to after a lifetime of hard work – so don’t let it be overshadowed by financial concerns. We can help you quantify your finances and get straight, ready for an enjoyable retirement.
Even if you’re not planning to retire this year, it’s important to engage with your finances – don’t just sweep them under the carpet and hope that things will work out.
Don’t know where to begin?
Here are some pointers to get started with; we’ll be on hand to help with these.
> Get a State Pension forecast
Visit www.gov.uk/check-state-pension to find out how much State Pension you’ll be entitled to and when you can receive it
> Check what’s in your pension pot…
Calculating the value of your pension pot(s) is essential to start planning your finances in retirement
> …including any ‘lost’ pension pots
You may have lost track of a pension over the years, perhaps as you moved between jobs and workplace pension schemes. We can help you track down lost pensions and potentially provide a welcome boost to your retirement income
> Quantify your savings, investments and debt
Calculating the value of your savings and investments, and quantifying any outstanding debt, will help provide a holistic understanding of your overall financial circumstances
> What will you need in retirement?
We can help you calculate your income requirement in retirement, by thinking about the lifestyle you want, your living costs and other potential expenses
> Watch out for scams
Don’t risk losing your lifetime savings to scammers. Pension fraud is on the rise – so make sure you know how to spot the signs
> Take advice
In this period of uncertainty, financial advice has never been more important. We can help you make those big retirement decisions easier by guiding you through your available options, taking into account the tax implications and giving you the confidence that you’re making the right choices for your future.
The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. The past is not a guide to future performance and past performance may not necessarily be repeated.